Take your training seriously and get the best results you thought possible. Improving your mobility, strength and speed not only improves your time on the matts but improves your recovery time, robustness to injury and overall pain.
What people are saying
“Starting out with Octagon Performance I was unsure of how much benefit I would gain. But now I cant recommend enough. If you’re on the fence about getting a strength coach my advice is take the leap”
Tom S.
“I started with octagon performance 2 years ago and have left since. I have never felt stagnant with my training. When there felt like there was going to be a celling we manage to blast right though”
Liz S.
“Stronger and more confident is the best way to describe how the training has made me feel. On the matts Im always feeling the top of my game without feeling like i’m going to break. When I get injured they know exactly what to do”
Mike A.
“Mobility and strength were two things that I thought I had lost forever after I had surgery. Now I’m back at the top of my game, competing at a high level, recovering faster and feeling stronger than before surgery”
Mike A.